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Stellic Glossary
Updated this week

This glossary is designed to provide clear definitions of Stellic terminology you might encounter while using our system to manage academic programs, student progress, and degree requirements.



Academic Catalog

A detailed document outlining the programs, courses, and academic policies offered by the institution. It serves as the official guide for students and advisors.

Academic Term

A defined period (e.g., semester, quarter) during which a student enrolls in and completes courses toward their program.


The process through which advisors support students by reviewing audits, guiding course selection, and ensuring timely progress.

Advising Notes

Notes or comments added by academic advisors to a student's record, providing guidance or insights into the student's academic progress.


A course that cannot be applied toward a student's progress if a specified course has already been completed. When a course and its anti-requisite are both taken, only one will count toward degree requirements based on system configuration. Anti-requisites are not shown as scheduling options to students who have completed the conflicting course. If a student registers for both a course and its anti-requisite, the second course will be excluded from all program audits (similar to failed courses). Multiple anti-requisites can be specified using pipe-delimited notation.


A record that outlines the courses and categories required to complete a program of study, along with constraints that define when each requirement is fulfilled.

Audit Version

A specific iteration or version of an academic audit that reflects a particular set of requirements and constraints for a program of study. An audit version is typically set to apply to a specific entry year or entry term and is aligned to catalog versioning of the institutional curriculum.

Completion Status

The current progress a student has made toward meeting audit requirements, typically shown as "completed," "in progress," or "not started."


Rules or conditions that determine when a requirement has been met, such as the completion of specific milestones.

Course Equivalency

A course equivalency allows one course to be used in place of another to fulfill a requirement. If a requirement lists a course, any of its equivalents can also be eligible to satisfy that requirement.


A course that is not strictly required but is an option for students to complete as part of their academic requirements.

Enrollment Level

A classification used in Stellic to differentiate between academic levels (e.g., Undergraduate vs. Graduate). It is used across students, programs, and courses to ensure accurate audit and requirement enforcement​.

Enrollment Status

Indicates whether a student has completed, is currently enrolled in, or has planned a course. Common statuses include Completed, In Progress, Planned, and Dropped which are tracked by a student's academic progress.


The ability to manually adjust or bypass a requirement or constraint within an audit, typically used by administrators or academic advisors. Common examples include substitutions and waivers.

Graduation Requirements

The set of conditions a student must meet in order to be eligible for graduation, including required courses, credits, and other academic standards.


A predefined sequence of courses and co-curricular activities. The audit defines what the student must complete. The Pathway recommends when the student completes each course or co-curricular activity.


A roadmap or schedule that outlines the courses and academic milestones a student needs to achieve to complete their program.


A status for a course that a student has added to their academic plan but has not yet registered for. Planned courses help students and advisors map out future terms but only contribute to planned progress.


A course or condition that must be met before enrolling in a subsequent course or meeting a program requirement.


A structured set of courses and requirements a student must complete to earn a degree or certification.


A status for a course in which a student is currently enrolled for an active term. Registered courses count toward in-progress audit evaluations but are not yet finalized for completion.


Audit courses or requirements that have not yet been fully satisfied, often due to missing courses, credits, or other conditions (e.g., GPA thresholds, residency requirements)


A course or category that must be completed in order to fulfill part of a program of study. Requirements can include core courses, electives, and non-course requirements.

Student Profile

A collection of information specific to a student, including their enrolled programs, completed courses, and progress toward meeting requirements.

Student Progress

A measure of how far a student has advanced in fulfilling the requirements for their program of study.


A status for a course that a student has completed and is officially recorded in their academic history. These courses are typically factored into degree audits and GPA calculations.

Transfer Credits

Courses or academic credits earned at another institution that are accepted and applied to a student's program of study at the current institution.


A status for a course that does not automatically count toward any requirements in the audit.

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