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Advisors Requesting an Exception
Updated over 11 months ago

Requesting an Exception

Note: This functionality is only available if your institution has enabled this function. When enabled, this allows all users with the permission to view a student's audit to request an exception. The request goes to any users that have the permission to make an exception on that student.

In addition, Stellic has recently introduced multi-step workflows for exceptions as well. If your institution has enabled multi-step workflows for exception requests, please see the article entitled Using Workflows for Exceptions.

To request an exception, first navigate to the respective student profile in Stellic. You'll see all the degree requirements for the student. Degree categories with a red number (instead of a yellow or green check mark) are not satisfied.

If the category should be satisfied by a course the student already taken or needs to be waived, click the three dots next to the Category name and select ‘request an exception’.


Within the exception menu, you can choose from several options:

  • Waive this Requirement will change the audit so that the student does not have to satisfy the requirement at all. If there are sub-categories in that category, they will also be waived.

    • Tip: If you waive the requirement, no specific course will show in the audit under this requirement. If the audit also has a unit total constraint, you may want to modify that constraint, since no units are counted under a waived requirement.

    • If you waive a course at the course level, it will waive the course and/or requirement that could use the course in any instance in the student's audit. We strongly recommend avoiding waiving individual courses unless you are certain there are no other instances where the course can be used anywhere else in the student's audit.

  • Substitution allows for a different course to satisfy the requirement. This option will basically add a course that could count for the requirement to the list of eligible courses (for this student only). Please note that you’ll only be able to select courses that are already showing in the plan. Course with failed or incomplete grades will not be able to satisfy requirements.

  • Waive or Modify Requirement Constraint allows you to change the constraints for the category. (Not available at the course level.) You can change a primary constraint, or change or remove a secondary constraint.For ‘justification’ please give us some details on why the course should be counting there -- then click ‘submit’! Your exception request will be reviewed by all administrators who have permission to make exception on the student.

  • Exclude Courses allows you to select courses that can not count for the requirement. This means that even if the courses would typically count toward the requirement's constraints, the course will no longer be allowed to fulfill the requirement.

  • Move Excess Credits allows you to move a part of a course to another requirement. In other words, you can split the course into multiple pieces so that it can count for more than one requirement at a time. In order to split a course between multiple requirements you must initiate the exception on the parent requirement (in other words, the category in which the course is counting within the audit), and then choose to move excess credits of the course to another requirement. The audit will prompt you to select to which requirement you want to add credits, and how many credits you want to move.

    • Note:

      • A course that is split in an audit will only be considered as multiple requirements within that audit - any other audits that the student has (universal requirements, additional programs, etc) will show the course as only one course.

      • Moving excess credits is considered to be an exception, and at this time Stellic only supports one exception per audit requirement.

      • "Move excess credits" exception should only be added to the immediate parent (in other words, the category in which the course is counting within the audit) for the course that you want to split.

      • You cannot move the entire course. You can move 0 credits, or all credits of the course to another requirement - but using the move excess credits option will leave some remnant of the course in the initial requirement, even if it's 0 credits. If you want to move the entire course out of the requirement, you must use the "substitution" exception if it's not typically allowed to count in the other requirement, or prioritize it to another section.

      • If you want to split one course into multiple requirements, initiate it all within the same split credit action. For instance:

        • Select the course and how many credits you would like to move

        • Add another course and then select the same course and how many credits you would like to move


Approving or Rejecting an Exception Request

Any admin that has permission to make an exception on a student will receive submitted requests for exceptions. When an exception request has been made, the admin with appropriate permissions will receive a notification.


Clicking on the notification will reveal the details, and clicking on the details will bring the user to the appropriate student's page.


The notification will note which requirement has an exception request - the request is also visible within the audit.


Clicking on the exception request brings up the details of what exception was requested, who made the request, and the justification for the request. The admin can then choose to accept or reject the request. Additional details can be provided when accepting or rejecting the request.

Once the request has been accepted or rejected, the person submitting the exception request is notified. If the exception was approved, the exception is noted on the student's audit. If it was rejected, it can be revised per the parameters indicated in the rejection justification.

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