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Reviewing Student Information
Updated over 12 months ago

You can select any student you have permissions to view and access full information on their profile and degree plan.

First, find a student by clicking on the Student tab and entering any search term and applicable filters. Once you’ve selected a student, you’ll see their information.



The top of the student profile is basic information, and shows any programs currently applied. (Students can add majors and minors in Stellic, but you’ll notice a ‘not declared’ tag until the program is officially declared.) Also shown here is primary campus, entry year, and expected graduation date.

Stellic Engage - Measures the amount the student has interacted with Stellic. The Stellic Engagement Scale is calculated using actions students have taken on their plan. Actions are weighted, so activities like messaging an advisor will give a higher boost than adding a course to a future semester. Actions will also depreciate over time, so if it's been a while since any changes were made in Stellic, you'll be able to see that reflected here.

Only actions in the last year are used to calculate the score. This score doesn’t have any effect on degree progress.

CQPA/CGPA - Cumulative grade point average for the academic career. You’ll also see the most recent semester GPA here. This information is imported from your institution's SIS and is not calculated by Stellic.

Program Progress - Hover over the progress bar for a breakdown of units/credits.


Taken will include any course with a passing grade entered into the system that is counting towards the degree.

Remaining includes both courses planned out within Stellic, and courses that are unplanned but required to fulfill degree requirements

Registered includes courses that the student officially registered for in the institution's student information system

Unmatched includes courses that are not counting toward any requirement in the audit, even towards a total units/credits/points requirement. You'll be able to see a full list of unmatched courses at the very bottom of the degree audit.

Advisor - Stellic shows the name and email address of advisors (labeled "primary" if your institution has this flag turned on) in the profile.

Current Term - Overview of the upcoming term, with planned and registered classes and unit totals. Classes that are planned but not yet registered with the institution will show a red asterisk.


Tip: You can always click on the course code here for more information on the class.

Actions Within a Student's Profile

Print Audit Report

At the top of the student profile, you can click the print icon to print the student's audit report.

This will generate a printable audit report for each student in your search. You can choose from the ‘Official’ Audit (which only shows classes already taken or registered) or the ‘Planned’ Audit (which shows classes planned out within Stellic, and courses already taken or registered). You can also choose whether or not to include grades.

You have two audit layouts to choose from, 'Standard' and 'Compact'. The 'Standard' report shows the information in a similar layout to the on-screen audit. The compact report will give you an easy to scan table version of the audit.

If you print a single student's audit, you'll also have the option to print 'Only Primary Major'. This option will recalculate the classes in the audit for the student's primary program only, so it will look different than the on-screen audit version.

Message a Student

Message a student by clicking the envelope icon in the top right.

Changes History

You can view the history of actions made by admins, students, or data updates, on a student's plan.

To view the history, click the clock icon in the top right of the student's profile page.


A side-bar will pop out showing actions taken on a student's plan. You can see actions to the entire plan, or actions done *to* a certain semester, using the drop-down menu at the top.

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