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Student Planner View
Updated over a year ago

Basic Planner Functionality

The Planner view shows planned courses by semester, rather than in the audit tree. It can be accessed within the Planner tab once you have entered a student's record.


You can view the details in each semester in the Expanded view, or a compacted overview in the Compact view.


Hover over the course and we’ll highlight connected courses, like prerequisites and co-requisites. Click on the course to get more details like description, prerequisites, and what that class is counting towards in the program requirements.


Scroll to the bottom of this view to see courses that have transferred from another institution.


You can also click the calendar icon that appears next to the name of a term to see the weekly, calendar view for that student. This view is only available for any term where the schedule has been released by the institution.


Side-by-Side View

To see the planner alongside the student's program(s) requirements, click on the "side-by-side" view option at the top of the student's planner. This view emulates what the student sees when they log into Stellic. You can drag courses or requirements directly to the student's planner from this view.

(Note: the changes you make here will also be reflected on the student's plan, and the student will be notified.)


To return to the student's audit, scroll to the top of the page and click on the student's name.

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