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Satisfying Milestones in a Student Audit
Updated over a year ago

For more information about Milestones, please visit our article on "Introduction to Milestones". This article looks at how to satisfy Milestones within a student's audit.

Brief Overview of Milestones

Milestones are non-course requirements within a student's audit. They are tracked separately from other requirements with their own progress bar at the top of a student's profile.


Milestones are also denoted within the audit with a small flag icon.


How to Satisfy Milestones

There are various types of Milestones, and some of them require specific people to view the student's audit and record whether or not the requirement has been met. You can determine which people specifically are able to approve/complete Milestones when setting up the Milestones within the requirement editor.

You can tell if you are able to interact with a Milestone in two ways:

1. Click on the Milestone requirement to expand the requirements. The requirement will list the users that are able to satisfy the Milestone.


2. Any Milestone where you are listed as an approver will show a button to "+ Record Attempt".


To record a student's attempt at Milestone completion, click on the "+ Record Attempt" button. Depending on how the Milestone was set up, you may be prompted for additional information, such as justification text or a file upload.

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