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Course Analytics
Updated over 12 months ago

Course Analytics

For Course Analytics, users will get an error if narrowing down the analytics filters to under 20 students. This maintains student privacy.

This tab is not given by default. To view Course Analytics, a superadmin has to assign the permission through the permissions interface. Please consult your institution's Stellic administrator if you believe you should have permission to this tab.

To view course analytics, type any course into the search field. For each course, you’ll be able to see several pieces of information:

  • Demand - the distribution of students who have taken the course in the past, and plan to take it in the future. We'll only be able to show future demand if students are using the platform to plan future courses. For some classes, there may be little or no past demand information, depending on the popularity of the course.

  • Student Distribution - distribution of students who have the course in their plan (taken or planned) by grade level.

  • Grade Distribution - final grades received in the course. This is calculated for each time the course is taken, since students can repeat the course for a different grade. Note that the list is ordered by number of grades received, rather than value of the grade.

  • Instructors - names of instructors who teach the course, sorted by most sections taught.

  • Popular Majors - programs that students with this class are most often enrolled in

  • Taken Together - courses most often taken or planned in the same semester as the selected course

  • Semester - allows specifying a semester, or semesters, to see trends of a course offered in those semesters

Course Demand Report

Users that have the permission to view the Course Analytics tab also have the ability to download a course demand report from the Courses tab. (Users that lack this permission will not see this button appear). This report downloads all courses for the institution.

To download the report, simply click the course demand report button that appears above the list of courses.


Users have the option to select between:

Past courses - which includes courses students have taken in previous terms

Current courses - which includes courses planned or registered in the students' current term

Future courses - which includes courses added to students' plans for future terms. This report does include all courses added to a plan, regardless of whether they were added by a user or automatically added via a Pathway.

The report will download in a CSV format and is able to be additionally filtered by the user.

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