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Course Search and Details
Updated over 12 months ago

Course Search

Quickly browse or search through available courses for more information on each.

You have many filter options to help narrow your search.


Stellic will automatically provide the available courses by term as seen here immediately under the filters.

Course Details

Once you select a course, a sidebar will pop up with more information. Information provided can vary depending on institution and department. We’ll always populate the semesters the class is usually offered, class ID, pre or co requisites, and unit/credit information. You may also be able to see instructor information, class description, campus, and tags or attributes.


Courses offered on multiple campuses

If you select a course that is offered on multiple campuses, you will be able to toggle between campuses from the course sidebar. Clicking on a different campus will bring up specific information about when the course is being offered, previous offerings, and instructor information.

You can also narrow your search by campus by utilizing the campus filter within the courses search. Within the Course search, select the "more" filter button. This allows you to access the campus dropdown list. From here you can filter courses by campus in addition to any other filters that you would like to apply.

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