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Multiple Plans
Updated over a year ago

Creating multiple plans

Students have the option of having multiple plans for either their entire degree plan, or multiple plans for a term schedule. Currently, Stellic supports having up to 3 additional plans.

Creating multiple plans

To create a new plan (a plan for your entire academic career at your school), click on the "Plan your Path" tab on the left side of the screen. This will bring up your primary plan. Click on the three dot menu next to your plan name to prompt the menu to create a new degree plan:

This prompts a menu where you can toggle between plans that you have already created, or create a new plan.

Clicking on "Create a new plan" brings you to a menu where you can select an option for what you are planning. If you select "A different major", it then allows you to select a specific major and will import all of the degree requirements for that major.

Once you have selected your reason for creating a plan, (and also selected a new program if you chose that option), you must then select a name for your plan. You can also choose whether you want to include only your officially registered and taken courses, or if you would also like to also include all future planned courses from your primary plan.

Note that the default privacy is set to private. If you want to share the plan with your advisors, be sure to check the appropriate permission. You can change the permission later if needed.

You can view the entire process below:


To delete an additional plan, click on the 3-dot menu next to your plan title, then select "Delete this plan". Only additionally created plans can be removed - your primary plan cannot be deleted.


Creating multiple term schedules

In addition to creating multiple plans (see above section), you also have the ability to create multiple schedules for any term where your institution has actively released the course schedule.

You can access your term schedule by clicking on the active term (meaning that the course schedule is available for that term) on the left navigation bar. If your institution has multiple active terms at one time, you can access your schedule for other active terms not displayed on the left navigation bar by clicking on the calendar icon next to that term in the planner.

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Once in schedule view, click the three dot icon next to the name of your schedule, then click "Create A New Schedule". This will prompt a menu asking you to name your new schedule, and select whether or not you want to import your currently planned or scheduled courses into the new schedule. If you choose not to import from a schedule, the new schedule will be blank with no courses in it.


Note: If you have multiple plans, you can create multiple schedules within each plan. For example, if you have two plans - one for a Spanish major and one for a Chemistry major - each plan can have multiple schedules within them.

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