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Finding Courses
Updated over a year ago

Course Search is a powerful tool that you can use either from the ‘Explore Courses’ tab, or from the sidebar in your planner. We detail adding courses to your plan in this article.

Course Search and Filters

There are many filters to help you narrow down exactly what you’re searching for. These filters exist within the Courses tab on the left sidebar, or if you're searching for courses directly within your planner.


Tip: Course search defaults to courses on your campus. To search in other campuses, click ‘more’ in the filter options, and either select a campus or ‘Campus’ to search all.

Searching for courses by term

Any term where the schedule has been released by your institution appears in the search under the "Available Schedules" section. Clicking one of these terms shows all of the courses that are officially being offered. Searching for other terms generates results that are estimated to be offered during that term, but are subject to change until the schedule is released by your institution.

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Within the planner, terms where the schedule has been released show up as specific dates in the "Term" filter. You can select a specific term from the dropdown menu. If you select a generic term (with no year attached) it will show you courses that have typically been offered in that term, but not yet confirmed by your institution for a specific term.


Searching for courses by requirement

You can use the "Counts for" filter to search for courses that count for specific requirements. If you have multiple programs (such as majors, minors, gen eds, etc.) within your profile, you will need to select which program you are searching for.


Once the program is selected, you can search for the requirement. The names of the requirements are exactly what is listed in your audit in the Progress tab, so if you aren't certain what requirements are called, refer to your Progress for specifics.


Course Information

When you click on a class you’ll be able to see the lots of helpful details in the sidebar, such as when it’s usually offered, instructors, a full description from your school's course catalog, prerequisites required and what requirements it would count for in your own programs.

You can add courses to your plan directly from the course information by clicking ‘add to plan’, and then selecting the semester.

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